Inspect with ease

Present, inspect, and review 3D models under the same lighting, color profiles, and tone mapping as your game engine — without cumbersome file uploads and downloads between various tools.

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Full control

Customize your 3D model presentation to your game engine.

Clay’s robust 3D inspector gives you full control to set up lighting, materials, and more.

Customize your 3D model
Customize lighting

Customize lighting

Use Clay’s HDRI presets or upload your own custom lighting so that you and your reviewers can view each model in the same conditions as your game environment.

Check and view UVs

Clay’s streamlined UV viewer helps you easily check models for consistency.

UV checkers aid you in reviewing texel density, texel distortion.

Check and view UVs
Toggle between material channels

Toggle between material channels

Switch between base color, opacity, metallic, roughness, occlusion, emission, normal, specular / glossiness, and more.

Game engine color profiles and tone mapping

Clay’s 3D Inspector shows your models as though they are in your game engine.

Simply select the color profile of your game engine such as Unreal Engine 4, and your desired tone mapping from Cineon, Rinehard, Uncharted 2, ACES Filmic, and more.

Game engine color profiles and tone mapping
Switch between render settings

Switch between render settings

Clay’s web-based 3D viewer makes it easy to switch between commonly used render settings such as Material Preview, Wireframe, Matcap when viewing your 3D model.